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Successful Christian

 How to be successful and exalted through God 

James 4:6

6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:

“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble".

Exaltation in one's life may manifest in the form of inner-life energy, prosperity, and safety. These elements of life can only be obtained through pleasing God. You can eat and be strong in body but that does not secure your inner strength which flows from the spirit to the body. You can be very anxious and desperate to be rich but unless God blesses you and orders your success you can not go far with your endeavor. Again unless God protects your life it is an easy thing to fall into any accident. What does this truth teaches us? A virtuous life that pleases God is a mandatory style of life. But what exactly is this virtue and how to exercise it? Humbleness is the way to achieve these exaltations of life. To walk in a humble relation with God in the form of keeping the altars of prayer and and prioritizing His will is the key to be exalted through the anointing. But this is not our subject. This is the humbleness that links directly to God. There is an indirect way of entreating His favour to attain our goals in life. This way is walking in humbleness with people around us. This principle seems a simple directive. But when things get a little tighter our ego shows up over-ruling our character and justifying the badness and cruelty of our actions. The grace of God then gets blocked by this opaque wall that  will not let the light of God shine to our consciousness  through our spirit. Look at what the highly respected pharisees did to Jesus, in the gospels. The astonishing part is their mind was justifying their action as if they were doing the right thing. An egotistic life could be so hidden that it shows up only during emotion triggering situations. 

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How to manifest humbleness is an answer requiring issue because we could be deceived that acting in hypocritical and apologetic manner is humbleness. If it does not give you fruit then it is not a virtue. Real humble relation can be analyzed by answering how to be humble. Longsuffering and kindness are the two directions we can exercise humility with different kinds of people that interact with us. 


God has detailed will for our life. Knowing these wills of Him and applying them is like finding a solution to our questions in life. There are a lot of codes in an algorithm which solve different problems. All those codes work together to achieve the grand purpose of the algorithm. In the same way our visions, desires and wishes whatever they are can be achieved as long as we seek answer from God consistently to build them step by step. If you can imagine it you can have it, all you have to do is stick with God and receive the building blocks one by one.  But God works with principle as you may know it. His wisdoms are passed from His dwelling place to our consciousness through our spirit. To receive this light or informative voice we have to break the wall that resists the light to shine toward our mind. This wall is egotistic personality. Our ego hides deep inside sitting as a an obstacle of transformation. So what does the Holy Spirit does? He may teach us to walk in humble life style with people around us by letting us carry any sort of humiliation they may throw upon us like an arrow piercing the heart. To be humiliated is a heart breaking thing and it is at such times we choose either to be longsuffering or fight back through our emotional drives. If we choose longsuffering then:

  •  God avenges our cause because God has said "Vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord" (Rom 12:19-21).  
  • God sends His light through our spirit easily to transform us. In such a broken-ego situation the channel from heaven to the mind is wide open to let light shine. God has said similar thing in Isaiah 57:15 
  • We learn to keep our dignity by being prudent. Prudence is one of the key virtues to lead a safe and secured life but it is a thing we must learn through time. James 3:2 teaches us that controlling what we speak makes a perfect personality. That is example of prudence.

So exercise humbleness through longsuffering so that you may be able to develop your life's goal by the council of the Holy Spirit.


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We humans tend to be kind to those that are greater than us because we expect some form of favour. Do not assume that your kindness is manifested by being good to those that you esteem much. The kindness that primarily counts is the one that cares for the need of those beside you such as your parents, your siblings, and your neighbours. The ego may preach the mind "these people do not need your benevolence because God may not want you to be so wait for His guidance". But God has declared it as a royal and grand law. Serve others with your kindness without judging them and without expecting return. Do it by understanding that kindness shatters the wall of the ego and creates a pure harmony between people which in turn is a suitable medium for God to send His exalting light to us. A loving Kindness builds oneness. The bible in Matthew 18:19-20 teaches that authority is bestowed on those that are in harmony. But what are the temptations that hinder kindness?

  • Business is an excuse to refuse our kindness to people like our parents. Success can be wrought the easy way through inner light or the hard way through toiling much. So consider it an opportunity to share your busy schedules by serving others. Just know that it is not about you and others but it is about God, you and others. Unity is a suitable medium for God to send His voices that will build our greatness. 
  • Greed is an ego-justified meanness. But if we make our relation triangular by including God then we can develop kindness aiming to build a prosperous and glorious personality through God's council. We just have to overcome our emotional resistance that forbids our generosity to others. In Luke 10:30-37 different folks including a levite ignored the fallen attacked guy. They were possibly acting careless because of their ego. But the good samaritan managed to be kind. Greatness and success come after kindness. So make it the major element of your life-style if you have dreams to achieve. Because you will be inviting God in to your life indirectly. People get helped by grace of God unknowingly because of their kindness done from a pure motive. 
  • Pride tends to push our neighbours away. By so doing sharing our possessions would be difficult to exercise. A relation built by egotistic-pride is not a simple life but a life filled with dark and heavy heart. Unload your burden by acting simple to be approached. Be glad and act lowly to share what you have when people need you because it is an opportunity to receive God's light towards us. Lowliness is a virtue you must manifest to impart happiness on others. Do not get too lofty by pride lest people give you irrational reverence which is good for nothing. Rather be lowly in truth. Be a source of joy for others because you will feel free and bold. 

Manifesting humbleness through kindness is an investment to advancement. But make sure to apply it on those close to us because they have no better place to go for assistance than us. 


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Our actions that reflect true humility give us the fruit of tranquility and aliveness. But these are not the only fruits. God Himself gets a chance to reach us and transfigure us by His Spirit and guiding wisdoms. Humility is the requirement to build love and unity. So make it your every day job to remove the old nature gradually. Get attached to God directly through His word, prayer and worship. Also get attached to Him indirectly by exercising love through humbleness. If you are persistent you will experience what eyes have not seen nor ears heard, things people never imagined- the glory and beauty of God. Man is the dwelling place of God, as also taught by Dr. A. W. Tozer. So remove the egotistic nature that clouds the God in you. 

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