It is obvious, though often forgotten, that we humans are not only built from the material constituents of this universe as evolutionists might theorize. There is a tangible but non-physical element of our life that is merged with our physiological organs by giving them vitality. This non physical part of our life is mystical by nature, which is to say, it can stretch itself to connect with God. It is also called spirit as it is created in the image of God who is Spirit.
We humans know how to nurture our life from outside through different provisions- physical exercise, eating balanced diet, reading, learning. These are all ways to develop our life to greatness in different aspects of life. There is also a way to build our personality to a higher level of life by recognizing the laws and protocols of the mystical part of our life. Infact many of our problems, whatever they are, have their root causes in violating the laws of the inner life. The spiritual world controls the physical world, therefore it is important to have an open eye on how to walk by its rules so that we can amend our problems as much as possible.
A person whose spirit is born again by accepting Jesus Christ through a simpe faith has a potential to have a grown spirit that can do wonders. Infact God expects us to be mystically matured with power and knowledge so that we can control the world as His proxies to guide it to His will. Provided that a person is diligent in spiritual exercises (prayer, bible reading, and attending church) the mystical nature and the conscious part of life can communicate with a higher level of informative knowledge. The most common ways by which the inner life communicate with the mind are through an audible inner voices, dreams, and visions. The first one is just an uttered voice that can be heard only by the person through whom the voice comes. Dreams and visions are also similar but they might require interpretations.
There is also another way the inner life communicate with the outer part of life. Skin senses or itchy feelings on our skins may occur often on any parts of our body. These senses are not just only physiological processes instead they carry informative message to the mind. This idea may seem only hypothetical but all one need to confirm the encrypted message carried on them is a simple experiment that will not waste your time, just only observations and focus. The informations carried behind are different depending on where they occured. For example skin sense on the top of the right index finger tells one about healing or recovery, while senses on the back or on the nail mean opposite, sickness or pain. Let us see some more examples so that you may be able to confirm them if you observe them on yourself. It is important to know that the person will experience the foretold informations only after sometime, usually within hours or days.
- The Right Ear- To understand something clearly while the left means to correct a wrongly perceived knowledge.
- The chin- To be victorious.
- The Elbow- To be more powerful and bolder than others.
- The Navel- A good news is on the way.
The eBook entitled
INNER LIFE OPTIMIZATION lists more of such examples as it describes the relation between the physical and the inner life.
This concise eBook has four main subjects the first of which is about the nature of the inner being and its understanding of knowledge as related to the outer self. Love is the grand and top subject of the bible specially on the new testament, but it is a vast subject that needs some analysis and descriptive explanation. The reasons behind unanswered prayer requests in our lives can be somehow related with how much this royal law is kept or disregarded whether intentionally or due to lack of knowledge. Either way if it is disobeyed it is obvious that there is a consequence always as the bible has taught it in many sections such as
Deuteronomy 28, and
Leviticus 26. So the eBook lists a number of inner life's health issues - Depression, Nervousness, Suicidality-and after analzing their root cause it gives a consice but effective solution by identifying a clear way to apply love.
It is not only recovering to wholeness we aim to achieve in life but also success in all directions and great and stable inner peace. So the book explains that we can open our eyes to understand what exactly to do to control our success and peace to our benefit. It is amazing how the eye simplifies life by just seeing. Just compare how life is with and without being able to see. For the body it is a great deal but for eye it is a simple service because all it needs is a light the rest is automatic. It is said in the Word that God is light, and God is Love. And the apostle John has said in his message that loving the brothers makes one walk in light. As there is a natural light there is also an inner light which is very important to the inner life and to the mind just like the physical light is to the body and the brain. But we know how the outer light is gotten, but how do we get an inner light that will help the inner life see in order to help our life embrace success and well-being? The eBook explains how the physical world and the spiritual world have similarity in the way light is produced. The sun has gaseous atoms inside it which fuse with one another to form a different atom. And during the process a tiny fraction of their mass is converted to powerful electromagnetic wave which eventually changes its frequency to a visible light which then shines from the sky. In the same way love is creating harmony with people around us through sacrificial kindness and patience which is founded in faith on God who will reward and judge all accordingly. This harmony, which is not just hypocritical talk, supresses the ego creating pain in the soul. This pain is what we call cross which has a sure hope of resurrection -as God revives our prayer requests to hand them to us. So this inner light that will shine in us is obtained as one applies love supressing the ego. The cross burns the ego making it give light in the process as the sun does. Practically this inner light is what will enlighten the mind to capture its success easily without unnecessary sweat and blood. So the Ebook explains more about how to obtain inner light that will simplify the mind's job in its pursuit of success.
Fear and disturbance may be related to darkness. Imagine how a child would react in a room without light during the night, fear would be the automatic response. Similarly our life walks in inner peace with a balanced internal equilibrium if it has light in its inner being. Otherwise it wil be affected with irrational fears one way or another. Tranquility or inner peace can be achieved in life through knowing and living in truth that will eventually bring light to life which is a necessary input to fearlessness and tranquility. So the fourth section of the eBook describes these truths which can help a person live in a tranquilized state with boldness and strength. These truths are fetched from the scripture by clarifying their significance and fruit if applied objectively. We humans tend to act good when we feel good and our ego shows up to reveal our true self when challenges come in our way. So to be filled with such a knowledge as is in the eBook helps one gear up to obey the Word purposefully.
Read the
book with clear mind to capture the truths behind each chapter. It will give you at least few wisdoms that will definitely transform your life.
Abreham G - Author
(Web Name Ely Zark)
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