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Be thankful

How Can We Work With God

Be Thankful

God works according to His laws. In Psalm 138:2 it says that God has exalted His word above all His names. So whatever you are passing through right now could have some input from the past that has caused it to be so because it is the law of God in His Word that judges and reward the works of men. So focusing on right now and the future, we sould pursue our remaining journey by having the appropriate knowledge. Do not rely on your perception about God, and neither should you be confident about God being always on your side. Life is not only about your succeeding or failing, but it is more about God fulifiling His purpose. 

Your knowledge about how life works and about your relationship with God should not be built on logical conclusions and assumptions, no matter how right they seem. Because as you know, many religions think they correctly know God in their own way. So similarly yours also might be right only on the elementary basic level. The higher levels of knowledge about God and His kingdom might be far from what we think is true. That is why He told His people on Hosea 4:6 that His people perished because of lack of knowledge. Why is proper knowledge so important? And what is this knowledge anyways? 

The right knowledge is important because the will of God is the only right option to live by. There are different paths that seem so right and logical, some even backed by ideas from the bible. But the right path that takes to life is narrow and the gate is small, and only few find it. This implies that unless your knowledge is fetched from the right source, there is always a probability of being deceived no matter how praying you are. Life is full of choices and it is these choices that decide our fate. Our ego, the devil, and human spirit- all support their will with true seeming facts and may convince the mind to walk on a different path than the right. 

This knowledge of truth is a set of laws that is received by the mind from God through the word of God. There is a common purpose why we are all called to the kingdom of God, but there is also a specific and different task each of us have to complete in this world. So we have to independently receive from God what exactly we ought to do. So God reveals to us His will one by one and step by step. If His will is known to the mind it is a rest and success to the soul, but until His will is decoded or understood by the inner ear it may take a lot of sweat and blood. His will is the key that unlocks our wishes, our health and prosperity as they are hidden behind His will. So this knowledge which we are talking about is His will. So every day the Holy Spirit has a new thing to tell you about how to spend your time, how to handle your relations, and how to do your tasks. 

How do we know the will of God?

Know the will of God

So to hear God speak to the soul is not that simple. There are different choices at hour hand, but when the right one is revealed to the mind life will be optimized to the utmost success. So how to hear God? Like a radio tuned to a specific station, the human mind can be tuned too through two important inputs. The first is reading the bible page by page regularly. The second is to be in a thankful state of mind. The voice of God requires a suitable state of mind to reveal the will of God to the person's ear. One of the purposes of the cross is to humble the soul in order to get rid of the old self's sinful and evil nature. The new testament has a lot of teachings about the old self being crucified with Christ. So during our walk with God it is impotrant to know what the cross is about, which is to let God and His light come near to our consciousness. When that happens His voices reveal to us different spiritual knowkedge which we can apply as power, transformative wisdom, anointing, and a lot more. During such relationship with God we should acknowledge what God easily does for us through His revealed graceful voices. Not only this we should also always remember what it costs. It costs the crucifixion of our old self. It costs us the bleeding of the soul to bring forth Christ's life and nature (1 John5:6). It is at this point that the mind may forget what God has done to it and starts to grumble. We must have a long term plan and start working with God with volitional thankfulness. Grumbling is a dangerous thing because it may quickly grow into evil actions destroying our built path and relation with God. So to be thankful is a disposition based on truth which is about expecting the coming of the trustworthy voice of God that will change everything around us for our own good. Hence to keep this faith during challenging times is our currency which will enable us to receive God's goodness through His life changing voice. God never offered His goodness to His people without a requirement. Infact He offers good and bad together based on the people's response. Obedience rewards life and prosperity, while disobedience brings evil and hellish things. 
And to obey God is something that requires faith and knowledge. 

Why Should You Be Thankful

So to be thankful is a very precious asset for the soul as it will speed up God's visitation in our life. To be thankful is not mainly about being happy whenever God blesses us. Instead it is about thinking positively when we pass through hard times by remembering God and His goodness. We should remember God's faithfulness in the past and endure our current challenge with a sure hope that God will come to uplift us. But to do this we have to develop a relation with God in such a way that you are witness about His works in your own life. And to do this we must start with prayer and reading the word. Entering a covenant with God is acknowledging that both you and God will be faithful to one another. We are expected to be believing and obedient, and God will do His wonderful works in our lives. 

It is easy to be thankful when you get something good. But to be thankful when the mind and the heart are filled with disappointment is something that requires a strong will. So to stay positively gentle exercise the following:
  • So we should first exercise to resist disputive thoughts in the mind before they grow into any evil actions which will have bad consequences. 
  • Remember that Christians must pass through the cross daily in order to grow into the image of Christ.
  • Endure any suffering humbly knowing that God will show up soon with justice and reward. 
  • We are ordered to live with prudence lest our challenges magnify themselves to be too hard and heart breaking on us. 
  • Never return evil with evil because that would block God's grace from our life. Since God will avenge our cause we must be longsuffering and wise to put on God's glory at the end. 
The following  will build a whole life step by step in one's life. The first two are our responsiblities and the last two are God's responses. 

Read the Bible and pray:-
Be thankful and gentle during tests:-
Receive God's life changing enlightenment:-
 Be transformed and blessed for good as you apply these revealed wisdom. 

Inner Life


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