How To Find Inner Peace
Inner peace is the tranquility of the soul in the midst of either disturbing or exiting environment. This peace of life can be affected in two different ways. One is from arrows which we could control ourselves from and the other is from the kind which comes and hurt us without our will. These arrows first come in the form of ideas, then the mind analyzes and visualizes them as thoughts only to convert them into disurbing and breaking emotions. Some of these deadly arrows, which come first in to the mind can be so overwhelming that they pass through our volition without our consent, and others we receive and develop them in the mind by our own will until they create bad emotions that will eventually hurt the soul. The volition of the mind and our actions play great role in defending our inner of peace. Sometimes we can be disturbed so much that the pain can cause negative effects on the physical organs. So let's see how to weaken these flying arrows of thoughts.
The primary step to have a great defence in the mind against such deadly fiery darts is to strengthen the inner life through a character built on love. This idea of exercising love is so broad that it is not right to leave it unexplained. Many of us think or used to think that love is firstly a state of the mind which we expect to put on like garment in our inner being to live as a loving person. Well this perspective is not untrue, but is a half truth. The bible tell us to put on Jesus Christ (Rom 13:14). And in John 14:23, Jesus told His desciples that by keeping His word they can have God and Jesus dwell in them. These lessons teach us that it is primarily about imitating Jesus Christ in His actions of loving character. So without practical love there is nothing to put on, rather judgment may await. The targets of love are people, and these people can be catagorized in to four, like the winds of heaven
Love to our siblings
- The first targets of love are our siblings and our parents. So investigate your disposition toward their interactions with you. Are you a judgy, naggy, hot-headed, and disrespectful? Or are you longsuffering, humble, gentle, and compassionate? Or are you in the middle? You may argue that you have a reason to be bad-tempered. But this is the place to exercise faith and apply love because Love is contained in Faith. You must believe that God will interfere to smooth the things you are egotistical about. Hence by a simple exercise of gentleness and humbleness to our family members we can embrace great inner peace.
Love to our life partners
- The second targets of love are our life partners. Sometimes things may present us with temptations to be jealous and possessive making us led by emotions rather than by knowledge which then causes the disruption of oneness which inturn makes the person vulnerable to misery and darkness. Proverb 18:22 tell that to find wife leads to the obtaining good things and favour from the Lord. In the New Testament the relation between the man and his wife is identified with that of Christ and the church. Hence it is a divine network to keep a great harmony with your life's partner. And this network will bring a person to a higher level of peace. But the harmony should be nurtured through love. And we can learn how to love more by approaching God. Infact as God is Love, we must make it our business to learn from Him how to love keeping in mind the great picture which is the divine connection that lets blessings and happiness flow to our life as we keep the harmony both with God and with our life partner. Hence be loving with kindness and sacrifices, but never be idolatry in your heart which might lead to other evil motives. It must be only God we must worship because we are ordered to love Him with 'all our heart'. Emotional attachent is natural and breaking of heart and other wounds may happen in relationships but to be tempted to respond in any kind of vengeance and unfaithfulness could be the point where love is tested in life. Hence we must be enlightened that we are expected to be volitionally patient, caring, and forgiving.
Love to our neighbors
- The third targets of love are people such as neighbors or simiar people who we engage with in a friendly manner. The most common emotional triggers that cause hatered and evil intentions are inferiority complex and superiority complex. The first causes us to feel timid and low in stature creating in the inner self a cry of sadness and feelings of misfortune. The later, superiority complex, is a feeling and knowledge about oneself to be greater and more important than others. And such self image leads to a sudden break and disturbance in the soul when we find out that we are not that favoured than others. It is primarily madatory to build our inner life through the knowledge of God and Christ through Holyspirit. And God has told us clearly to love our neighbors. To put on love we must live in kindness and empathy. We should allow in our hearts for others to prosper by celebrating their joy and success eventhough sometimes it might feel hard. If there is any dispute it is always preferable to be smart by letting God handle things, as He said vengeance is mine. The consequences of not living with neighbors with love, as is commanded, is a heavy heart and to be vulnerable to imprisonment from capturing our successes and dreams. People might have great potential to climb high but they may lack the grace to move energetically forward all because of bad relations with neighbors. 'Love thy neighbour as yourself' is the second of the two greatest commandments, which implies that it is imperative that we abide to this rule to let God fill our life with grace and His protection.
Love to the elders
- The fourth targets of love are people that are set around us at a higher rank and authority. They include spiritual/biological fathers, bosses, and mentors. There might come times in our life when we might feel too puffed up to give the right reverence to such people. If and when we do so the level of our inner peace starts to degrade resulting in setting our feet on a wrong path blinded by our pride. God brings growth and advancement to our life by guiding us through a path of light. Jesus has told us in Matthew 7:13-14 the road to a higher life is narrow and its gate is small and only few find it. To keep a humble and reverential relation with elders, specially with spiritual mentors, helps greatly to stay on the right path of a secured success.
Faith to keep inner peace
ELY ZARK Ministry
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