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Fervent Prayer for Power

How to be filled by the power of God

Mathew 7:7

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

There are different arts of prayer that will enable a spiritual person to grow fast by being filled with the Spirit of God. It is about optimizing your time and your resources. Let us see the following ways of getting the most out of your altar of prayer and worship. 

Receiving the power of God
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Incense in Prayer

Do you want your prayer to be accompanied by a focused mind and active spirit that is easily connected to the Holy Spirit? 

One of the ways you can grow fast in spiritual life is through hours of prayer. But having an active spirit that easily attaches to the Holy Spirit through sentimental worship and single heart is not an easy thing to achieve. If you have such atmosphere of prayer always, then your power and growth would accelerate. Every time you stand up from such kind of active-spirit prayer moment, you glow with the light and your spirit will be filled with the power of God. And the next day serving or being served in the church being full of God's power will be an exciting experience. In such favoured moments it is a suitable opportunity to encounter more of God so that our life gets transformed for good as Jacob testified in Genesis 32:30. There are different theories as to the significance of incense in the bible.  The smell of incense is said to take attentions of the people so that they can worship in a focused state. Such focused worship invite the worshipped more. 

Moses and Aaron were instructed to burn specific incense everyday in the the temple inside the holy chamber. 

Example of Incense for your prayer

Everything natural is created by God for some purpose. There are things used by people to boost mind activities. Among these is coffee. Coffee is consumed by many people in the world. In some countries people drink more than three cups everyday. 

There is a way to make coffee give us the most mind-boosting effect to the maximum. What I am about to tell you is not an opinion like proposing a theory. But it is something that gives result. If you are a man of prayer seeking to increase the power of God in you, then take every right chance you get to be filled with the anointing. So I am going to give you an advice. 

Quit drinking coffee first if you are a daily consumer. Take a rest from it for a week. 

Then if you want to pray for a duration of more than an hour then your prayer is more than uttering words. It is more like worshipping. So try not to eat before you start your prayer but rather let there be a gap of at least three hours. 

So in an empty stomach which has not eaten for hours, consume your coffee and pray while listening to hymns. You will observe your spirit stretching more than usual towards God. 

At the end of your prayer which was accompanied with praise and worship you will feel more lifted in power.

Such exercise should be done on selected days through the week or if you choose to do it daily make sure to take a gap of some months . Because to be dependent on coffee 365 days a year is not the best way for different reasons

Night time prayer. 

When or if you somehow meet God the natural response is not prayer but worship because He is a true God worthy of worship whether we like it or not. When you wake up at night the consciousness is just switched on hence it is more likely to dive in into a spirit of worship easily because the mind is cleaner to focus on God. As long as you are active, praying at night time is a suited moment. If you are a person with a dream of building a great Christian inner life having the fruit of character on one hand and having the power of God on the other hand then you are targeting to be a revivalist. To achieve such life regular bible reading session and great prayer altar is required. Your strength to endure challenges and to walk farther with God without falling can only be achieved if you are a person who read all the bible again and again as part of your lifestyle. Beside that, regular hours of seeking God's presence through prayer and worship is the other mandatory task to be reflector of the true God. Night time prayer altar is a suitable moment to connect the spirit with God because the mind is more cooperative in such quiet moments. Dedicate at least one hour in the night everyday for worship then you will see how the power grows in you. 


Another effective way to invite the Holy Spirit is to develop the art of intercession. Intercession is something you learn through exercise because it has more experiential feature than what we commonly imagine it to be. Spiritual life is something that grows through time. You will be amazed when God teaches you new mystical arts of prayer step by step as you intercede regularly. Although God Himself guides you to whom you intercede, I suggest that you try to change the life of one person first before you jump to another. A one day prayer for one person princiĺple might not be always the best. Rather take one person and bring it before God repeatedly until God sends an answer as it is said in Isaiah 62:7 "...and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem"

Intercession has a nature of quickening your spiritual growth because by exercising it you are loving in a simple but powerful way. And to love is the great will of the Eternal God. 

Christian Mysticism 


Christian Mysticism

Mysticism is the activities of the spirit of a matured Christian. As the physical body grows in time and manages to use its outer organs to do different tasks, in the same way the spirit of a born again person can be made to grow and perform spiritual tasks. A mystic person can sit still doing nothing physically but his/her spirit may travel anywhere and connect to someone and edify or bless the person. This is just a simple example of mystical tasks. The things the spirit of an anointed person can do are invisible to identify how or who did them as Jesus said it in John 3:8. Healing, comforting, transforming lives are things a mystic person can do with the aid of the Holy Spirit. If you want to be a mystic Christian who want to start from zero then I will give you a direction on how you may start. You will be able to hold the rope and climb the hill of mysticism through biblical spiritual exercises. 

The first thing is you must set your mind in seeking-God mode. Your mind should be focused, your soul and your heart must be single toward worshipping God at least for the period of prayer. 

Second pray with tongue continuously. If possible open a hymn to help you stretch your spirit towards God through a worship mood. Sooner or later your spirit lifts up and wants to rest somewhere. At that moment think of someone you want to be attached with through a spirit of intercession. Do not be afraid to chose anyone as long as you feel you are synchronized with God's will. 

Get unified mystically as you pray placing your spirit on that person through God. You will see your intercession working as you observe the person finding bliss. 

If you can not pray in tongue, it is simple. The first thing you need is a strong will. If you have it the second step is be aware that you will speak only volitionally. No one or nothing will force you to speak in tongue. Thirdly as long as you are born again never doubt thinking that what you may utter might be meaningless thing, because it is a meaningful thing to the spirit. You just have to utter it in faith for the sake of the spirit not the mind. The forth step is say in the name of Jesus Christ and start uttering those "meaningless" words. Those words are anointed words because the Spirit dwells in you. Had you been an unborn person those words would indeed be useless. But now they are alive and powerful swords because the spirit talks to God through them.  

Start with the little drop of power you have and pray with tongue. Be devoted and the word of God, which you should read without jumping a letter, and the Holy Spirit will give you that magic revelation to guide you to a higher life. In a year, if you are dedicated enough, how powerful you will get! The power of God will flow through your spirit like a river as explained in Ezekiel 47. You would start even to pray without using any audible word. The name of God through the Spirit will start to be your greatest treasure. If you keep on passing the challenges on your way through unconditional love and humbleness then you will be so amazed how great things God would start to do through you. As I have mentioned in other posts never be a judgy guy especially against elders. And never use your power to chastise others. And never let your ego be a driving force to open your power. In such case you may leak your power. And you will only know your loss after you lose it all. So safeguarding what is accumulated is another responsibility an anointed person should keep carefully. Never trust your mind if it is inclined to hate and despise others.  

Have a spiritual father and have some one to pray to. These are a great inputs beside your devotions for a super spiritual growth.

You + God + Time + Devotions = Power & Glory

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