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A Whole Life

 A Whole Christian Life

A whole Life

King Solomon final words to the people when he taught in the book of Eccelestiastes were "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man". Once you are a christian you have entered a covenant with God to live by His will. Your life after physical death is secured for eternity in heaven. So here on earth you have an obligation to live according to His commandments. For every situations in your life, for every hours in your life there is a specific will of God. Not to obey His commandements as a christian is something unaffordable because the world and the spirits in hell will be against such walk of life that is against His will, not only that the judgment of the Lord is also very scary thing to experience. I admire saints that have managed to raise their children with virtuous character and fear of God. 

The commandments of the Lord for a christian can be directly revealed through the word of God. And to live with a secured and successful path a christian has to fear God. So these two organs of christians' life-Fearing God and Keeping His commandments- are very important and basic to have a whole life. 

  1.  Daily reading of the bible

Some think that they should read the bible as long as their mind is open to understand it. Otherwise if the don't feel like reading it is probably because they shouln't. Well this would be true if the Book was like the rest of all the other books. But that is not the fact. As long as you read It, weather you understand it or not, there will be released some heavenly spiritual power that will haste to transform your life. We daily you use water in different ways; a glass of water to drink, 1 litre of water to wash your face and mouth, 15 litres of water to bath your body. Similarly you ought to read the bible in different ways, which means focused or not just read it. Two major and important ways are listed below.

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  • Take about 50 minutes daily at specific hour to study some part of the bible. The book of the prophets for example from Issaiah to Malchai. Read it page by page very slowly. It may take you some weeks to finish. You will see how the authority of the word interfers in your different aspects of your life and change things for better. You will be a wittness how the Holyspirit works diligently to transform your life. God does indeed order blessings, victories, glory and anointing every time you seriously  engage in reading His word. You will be rulling the world around you because what you read is the Alive and Powerful Word of the Living God. 
  • The second way is reading fast probably with audible sound from Genesis to Revealation. Read it daily for about an hour, on a different hour shift than the above reading scedule.  It will probably take you a month or less to finish the whole bible. Every part of book will do some work in your life. For example after you finish reading Genesis the creative power of the Word will create something new in your life; your eyes will open and start a new walk of greater life. And after you finish Exodus some freedom will be ordered to your life. Keep on reading and each parts of the Bible will do amazing things in your life. All you have to do is just reading it, the rest is the Lord's work. I used to ask how some preachers manage to do wonders by quoting scriptures and they tell the audience that 'all it takes is faith'. Now I understand that they have a life-style of regularly reading it so objectively that their life is synchronized with the word. And that they were imparting the power they experienced.
Do not ever say or think "the idea and the story of this part of the bible has nothing to do with my life, hence it does not apply to my life". Even reading the first nine chapters of the Book of Numbers, which is almost only list of geneolical names, will work something in your life. Finish the book of Numbers after reading the previous three books and you will possibly observe how the Lord opens your eyes to optimize your time so that you will excel in success. So decide to read the bible verse by verse with any speed you want, it does not matter if you don't understand it, finish it and record the changes in your life and be a witness to yourself so that you will repeat it again and again and again for the rest of your life. 

     2. The Fear Of God

One of the major wrong attitudes many christians have is their disposition that they are so loved by God that His judgments won't come in their lives. And they only hope for good things without inputting deligence. If you study the bible the great men and the kings of Israel in the stories of the bible fell into the judgment of God by their lack of the fear of God. 

We should fear God not only from reverential standpoint. Instead know that God indeed judges His people both in the old and new testament for wrongdoings. Do not ever assume the old testament God is a different one. What He did then He might do now. Let me mention three examples of God's judments so that you may fear and safeguard your life from evil things as much as you hope for good things.
  • Moses after spending all those years with obedience and serving to lead the people, one day on the closure of their journey, he got angry and did something different than the directive he was given. He was told to speak to the rock so that water may flow out of it, but he hit it. He was probably waiting eager to enter the land, and he did ask the Lord more than once to let it go and allow him to enter the land, Deu 3. But the Lord told him to look at it only, and that he can't get in to that beautiful land because he did not honor Him before the people. Is that fair for 40 years of hardwork? The answer is Fear God.
  • The Israelites,  in the period of Jermiah, were repeatedly told to walk after God and keep His laws. They were given many specific instructions on how to live. On different parts of the scripture such as Moses's chronicles in Deu 28 and Lev 26 they were warned how bad things will get on them if they disobey. The Israelites did not fear of God enough that they were reluctant to worship Him single-heartedly, and they did not keep His laws either well enough. And then one of  the most horrible things happend. They were given to death, sword, pestilences, hunger, and captivity. The worst of all which was awful was that during the hunger times parents ate their children (Lam2 and Lam 4). Jeremiah said in his lamentation such severe judgment like that of Jerusalem had never been seen anywhere else. These people are the very nations of the Lord of hosts. They had a unique covenant with God. They were probably very full of hopes of life and prosperity. Zion was the dwelling place of the temple where the Most Holy dwelt. Was such a judgment from God-eating their babies-realy  fair? The people were literally dying from hunger. Was this really necessary? Well, the answer is we have to fear God because it is indeed dangerous to fall into His judgements. 
  • The third example is in Acts 5. A husband and a wife sold a piece of their property and participated in giving the money to the church. But their emotions ruled their mind and they lied about giving all the money. What happened then? They were killed on the spot where they appeared lying. Where is the mercy? Where is the forgiving? Again fear God more than anything. The lessons in the bible about fear of God seem to be more about keeping safe from the judments of God than revering Him. 
There is my favourite part in the bible on Luke 12. It teaches that the Lord comes to the life of His servant to visit him every now and then. But He comes at a time where the servant does not expect it. Then the Lord does two things to this servant. The first is He takes into account how this servant acted towards his fellows around him and the Lord cuts him into two for the cruel things he did. The second is the Lord girds His waiste and serves this servant for the virtuous things he did. This is to imply that the owful judgments of God and His wonderful visitations are the frequent experiences of saints even though some may not give it a heed. So be wise to reap more of His rewards and less of his judgments. 


The whole duty of man has been summarized to be Fearing God and Keeping His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). To keep His commandments a christian must have a first hand revealation from the Holy Spirit about the will of God on every situations of life. For this to happen the channel to receive inner voice from the Lord is a regular reading of the Bible. No matter how anointed you get, without having regular bible-reading culture, your feet won't go far.

Fearing God has been discussed to be a different concept than reverence. The bible clearly states that once you are born again you are dead to the world. You have entered a covenant with God for secured eternal life and here on earth you are the dwelling place of God. Therefore it is a fearful thing to live without submiting to God. Some references are presented from the bible that God's judgments are inevitable for disobediences weather the faults are objective or subjective. This implies to thrive to have holy and perfect spiritual life deligently and seriously is expected from every christian.  

Stay safe and secured!

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