Matured Christian Life
Strength, safety, Happiness and Prosperity + Heavenly Power are the elements of life we need in this world. God also wants us to possess them as far as we do not shun Him after having them. So to have these inheritances we are expected to be matured so that we may be trustworthy to never forget God because that is what we usually do when we get blessed. People who used to be devoted to pursue God tend to leave their dedication when they get married or when they possess a successful business. We may travel long road without knowing how much we have separated our path from the way of God's will. In order to walk with God in the narrow path that takes us to the highest inner life securing these inheritance, it is mandatory to keep certain basic things as foundations without which we might experience a lot of negative things.
In Psalm 119 there are some common words that tie the author's life with God
- Law
- Testimonies
- Ways
- Percepts
- Statutes
- Commandments
- Judgment
- Word
Before we enter into a business with God to be His servant we must determine to obey God leaving our hard ego behind. It will be expected of us to love our people regardless of our reasonable selfish emotions. Our altars of prayer and worship should also be kept with priority. It is not wise to compromise our spiritual life for the sake of our businesses. We should receive clear directives from God on how to handle both our secular tasks, social life, and spiritual responsibilities. In the old testament, specially in the messages of the prophets, God was telling His people to keep two things very seriously. One is their spiritual duties, and the other is to show kindness and mercy for the poor and lowly. But neither did they worship Him single heartedly nor were they compassionate towards the needy. The people of God were unblieving and idolatry, according to the prophets' chronicles. They, even the priests and the leaders, were also cruel to the poor. For these reasons they were given to one of the worst miseries. The judgments are scary even to mention them.
Jeremiah had summerized what they went through in his
lamentation. So keeping these
laws of of God is not only about our successes or achieving our big goals. But it is more about scaping the judgments that would come if the laws are neglected.
Once we are born again our glory and excellence will be sourced directly from God. We are crucified with christ and it is the new life we will be depending on to succeed and be victorious in this world. Otherwise the darkness and evils in heaven and the earth will be at standby to destroy whatever is of God. That is why we are called soldiers of Christ. So our true greatness and successes will be from God. Hence we are supposed to be the testimonies of Christ as His proxies. Therefore to keep this heavenly testimony in our life our devotions to be in the presence of God should always be kept, as we are told to pray without ceasing.
The Holy Spirit has always something to say to us to help us grow to maturity. Therefore we must heed to His regular council as what He says is no ordinary thing. Our inner ear has to be open to the voices of God which come as enlightenments and revelations. So one of the purposes of the cross is to clear the egotistic nature that bocks the channel between the spirit and the mind. So God may expect us to walk in long-suffering and gentleness whenever challenges come in our way that tend to make us selfish and hotheaded. The benefit of such humble character is that it will make it easy for the consciousness to hear the councils of God. So the way of God is the path or the channel through which God's life changing light comes to our life revealing true wisdoms that take the person to an abundant life and prosperity. So the cross is the way and we have to carry it with hope expecting the sure forthcoming fruit, which is the manifestation of Christ's life in us.
So when God sends His light to our mind, our perspectives widen as we understand how life works in an input output system. Whatever you reap is what you saw no matter who you are. So emotional and short-sighted walks of life will not give outputs of free life. Hence His light and guidance will prepare us to a higher mystical power by first enlightening us to live in truth and in love. Our relationships with the people near us will be scrutinized in detail so that our deep intentions and dispositions should come out to the light in order to amend what ever seems evil and fleshy. So we will perceive knowledge about the will of God which is the only option to walk on the path of life and success.
After this God will help us to divide our time in scheduled manner so that our whole tasks might not be done randomly. We will not be praying when we feel like or read the bible whenever we want. Instead we will co-work with God by setting each of our responsibilities their own time. So we will pray, read, and go to church whether we feel like or not because it is no longer us we live but Christ is also dwelling in us for the glory of God. Hence we serve Him by doing His will regardless of our emotions. As time pass His word will reveal to us more of His detailed and high-level statutes which are applicable to each of us in different ways.
Commandments, Judgment and Truth
Moses, when he got down of the mountain where he spent praying and fasting, he brought with him codes of life which are commanded by God. These codes of life can harmonize the people with God and walking otherwise would cause judgment. Obeying them made the people live the true and optimum life. God is light and this light shines on the heart and the mind revealing the highest truth. Life is primarly all about living according to the commandments of God and escaping any judgment that may await us on our ways. This is the the truth about human life as the rest follows as an automatic output. To know and live in the truth gives us freedom and tranquility. There will not be a vacant shrine in our heart that hungers to be filled because we will be riding on the highest possible paths with the true God.
How to live a matured life in a simple way
Life is full of tests and opportunities that give choices to live in truth and love. So seeing behind the horizon we must exercise prudence and compassion on purpose, not just only when it seems reasonable but also when our urges resist our will. God may show and tell us the way of success and prosperity but our eyes might get blinded and our ears might not hear to what He says. And our prosperity and wholeness might not reach our hands even though God sends them to us all because of the inability of our ears and eyes to synchronise with His transforming voices. So keeping the laws of God are the only options to enable our spirit and mind to harmonize with God and His voices for the good of our life. These laws are to pursue God with all our heart and to unconditionally love others in truth.
Missing our communion with God or acting in egotistical hatred and carelessness towards others might seem to satisfy our current needs but they might create a lot of hindrances to our progress. So to choose to keep the laws of God are optionless mandatories to walk on the path of safety and success. Of course such disposition requires a determined faith that hopes and expects God's regular interference and visitation in one's life. So faith with such practical knowledge about the will of God is our ride in the pursuit of a higher life.
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