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Spiritual Knowledge

How To Develop Spiritual         Knowledge 

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Spiritual knowledge refers to enlightenment about life and its path that takes a person to the highest level of life. And such knowledge can have two main organs
  1. Knowing the will of God about His purposes for Human kind 
  2. Knowing the the will of God for personal life about what to do at specific time and specific conditions. 
Such enlightenments to the mind come only from the spiritual world. There are multitudes of right-seeming truths about the kingdom of God and His specific will in the life of a person. So to get revelations on such matter is peace and life for the soul because the spiritual light and the presence of God that reveal such kowledge to the soul will also fill it with eternal wholeness:- Matt 7:21-23, Matt 12:50, 1 John 2:17

As mentioned earlier there are too many logical alternatives to the will of God in the mind and heart of human. And they all seem right from some perspective. So among all these alternatives to dig and know the truth is only achieved by enlightenment. And the requirements to capture these specific truths are as follows: 
  1. Reading the Bible regularly.
  2. Exercising loving character objectively. 
The bible does not tell you directly specific things about life. But it contains spiritual light/voices that can come through the inner-eye/ears to inform the person about the true will of God. So as it is read by faith, the bible will somehow get converted into spiritual knowledge applicable to the current life of the person reading it. So this knowledge will eventually reach the person's mind, and as it is applied it will bring life transformation. 

The other similarly important way to get enlightened with the will of God is a loving character. As you may understand it the human life consists of two parts that are from two different worlds. The first is the body and the other is the spirit. So to let the truth in the spirit realm  flow into the mind, it is important to have a suitable medium between the spirit and the mind. For instance a mind filled with hate and disrespect is unlikely to sync with the spirit. Therefore to create this synchronized harmony between the two parts of human life a virtuous character is required from the person.

Developing virtue is a life-long fight with the ego who always cares only for itself.  Virtuous life is what Jesus was mainly teaching to the people. They are important because they decide our fate. We can find ourselves in the future in a greatest place or in the most miserable situation- all depending on the virtues we exercise now (Mat 7:12, Ecc 12:14). Such walk of virtuous life is not one of the things we should care about, but it is the most important thing to be concerned about. This is because, virtue is a key that unlocks the door to our success and safety. The specific paths and wisdoms that takes one to the greatest achievements and a secured life is revealed to the mind by exercising virtue. Jesus wore that crown of thorn before His exaltation. In the same way developing a virtue is a volitional supression of the ego which is obviously accompanied with carring a burden of suffering temporarily. 

Sometimes we want members of our kin to change  into our expectations, and it might be right and logical thing. But we migt not be able to do that hence the best thing to do could be to pray that God may keep them safe and prosperous. But in the meantime, during our interactions with them  the ego may reveal its wrath and disappointment whenever it observes 'big' fault. So in such conditions the best thing to do is to believe in God and show a gentle character. God has a lot of wisdom stored for us which will help our life to grow into ever increasing excellence. Hence showing faith which believes God to be a Judge and Lord in our situations by showing gentle character and patience is a very invaluable asset for the soul. Such faith has indeed a great reward as it will help our transformed version of life to manifest easily. This will happen as God reveals spiritual kowledges to our mind that will help build our successes. 

Many think that seeking God is all we need to have the great life we imagine about. But this is not biblical or nor is it enough to walk successfully. Think about how the two hands have helped human kind to do and build great things. Finding God by seeking Him is indeed the greatest persuit but you can not climb to a higher thing without first stepping on the lower 
unless you can teleport yourself, which you can't. So persuing God is a higher call that requires purity and cleanness. And one can achieve such state of life by loving others or by excercising virtuous life. We can use people as our stepping stones not by oppressing them but by loving them. If you want to cross to the greater and higher life then you must carry the cross first. We are all in debt of loving others, not for anyone's sake but for ourselves. So love or virtuous life is the stair that will take us to that life where divine light and wisdom are availabe. So never ever forget that love for others and love for God are both mandatory requirements for the higher life which each of us dream about. 

Organs of Love

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The two most important parts of love are mercy and truth. Mercy is about letting goodness flow out willingly and deliberately in faith. The mind may definately think that it might not need to be good for unknown reasons. Even more it might suppose that being good is wrong. This could happen due to lack of knowledge which is the very thing the people of God were experiencing. Hence we must be aware that the path between human problems and their solutions could be found only through goodness. God has already affirmed in His word by calling those who show mercy 'blessed' for they shall obtain mercy, Mat 5:7. So picture in your mind someone real who is currently going through a very hard time such has sickness, loss or the like. Things could have been better if that person was a more merciful person who feared God atleast for this truth. Most of us want to remember only the kind and forgiving God who is always in our side. But that is wrong assumption which could lead a person to a bad end for God is always on the side of His laws or Word. And this law, as seen in the scripture, is filled with scary judgments which are experienced by the very people of God. So do not imagine a God who is similing at you, rather be aware of the true God who is pleased with those who show mercy. So ask yourself whether you have neglected someone who requires your kindness. If so go and spend time and whatever you have to show goodness lest you be neglected too. 

One of the main ways truth can be exercised in life is through controlling what we speak. The tongue has the power of life and death in it, prov 18:21. We can keep our dignity, honour, and our life secure by keeping in control of what we speak. The mouth speaks from the what is filled in the heart. Assuming one has built a character of humble, kind and patient disposition, the next step is to be prudent of the way words flow from the mouth. The heart may be filled with joy and excitement but there remains keeping the dignity as a backup lest people try to walk on our back when we are low. The book of Eccelesiastes speaks of time for everything. Doing something at the wrong time has always a consequence. It is important to keep knowkedge of when and where to speak whatever is in our heart. People esteem us in favour or despise us depending on how we make our conversations. Keeping one's honour by having a controlled mouth is a wise and important way to secure our life. Christans particuarly need to be more prudent as the enemity from the world is always at standby to destroy what is not of the world. Once again such prudent lifestyle would be more effective assuming a merciful and patient character is built first. 



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