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Subjecting the mind

 Controlling The Mind To God's Will


The scripture has taught us that one of the ways we should love God is using our mind. Our mind co-works with the inner-life to keep its thoughts under control to its volitions. We can free the mind from unwanted emotions and thoughts to subject it to the will of God through different ways. We humans are not only flesh and bones that is why we can sometimes sense and know in our mind when people have a good or bad disposition toward us. We can know without talking, even without seeing others whether they respect or despise us. Any negative regard from some people in our life can cause disapointment or demoralization. One of the ways such heart breaking telepathic arrows reach other people is through self-talk. When you curse or insult others through contemplating thoughts by uttering silent voices in the mind it can reach people and hurt them. This happens in considerable effect when it happens between people who live in close ties. Eventhough our physical body is independent and single in nature, our inner-self is not like that. Instead it is connected somehow with others around it in harmonious mystical bond. For example Christ has told us that we born again saints are His body members. In a strong local church the leaders and the members make an automatic spiritual bond. Saints in the church can have their biological family members get blessed and visited by God as they serve and bless the church members spiritually. It is common that leaders feel burdens of saints beforehand and intercede for them before they get crashed by difficult challenges. With the same perspective there are people around us who may be living close to us, that have close connection with us. And whether we ignore them or not, things that happen in us or in them has an indirect effect on one another. That is why, to optimize our harmony to most effective free life, it is important to keep our mind prudent from thinking hatred and spiteful thoughts. Because they may sense it and it may create unnecessary burden in the heart as the harmony gets disturbed. 

Self talks can be induced in the mind in different ways. One of the common ways is by the shadows of other people. As there is a shadow of a physical body there is also a shadow of mind that rests on others by inducing emotions, thoughts, new ideas, and self talks. Sometimes when you are sitting at home you may have your mind suddenly thinking a lot of thoughts and ideas just because someone passes by or enters your home. These induced thoughts may be normal but sometimes some people may induce negative thoughts that may cause unwanted effects.  Induced thoughts and self talks can be processed by the mind unreasonably and eventually cause unwanted emotional behaviours. So to keep onself stable and virtuous it is important to stop entertaining whatever comes into the mind because some of those thoughts that come might not be sourced from the inner being or the personality of the thinker but from outer sources as explained earlier-the effect of the shadow of people's mind. But do not tend to be blaming others if you somehow notice such phenomenon because it might be worse for the heart. Instead develop self control because that may be the only right option. 

     Focus on the will of God

So we should stop giving in to external sources of thoughts by setting up a firewall against ousider shadows that have potential to drive unwanted actions and emotions in one's mind. A very simple example similar to the above subject is the way the devil deceives others by putting thoughts to others. On the begining the induced ideas are contemplated and analyzed through self talk which might immediately develop into emotions and finally actions. For instance if two people who know each other are sitting on the vicinity, thoughts of hatred can rest on one's mind and get developed by logics and emotions. And this same person can transmit the dense thought of hatred to the other one who would also feel how much the person is hatting him/her through logical analysis. The final output of their relation can end up in a fight, argument or disappointment. Look how in the scripture people have been enticed to make wrong actions only by the thoughts induced by the devil who knows better that once ideas enter into the mind they can be analyzed to grow to emotional actions. Our Lord was also tempted to do a logical but wrong action as cunning thoughts were put on His mind by the devil. So I hope you understand that this is not a simple subject. The devil might be busy with deceving other folks but the mind can be sensitive to be affected by what others are thinking and feeling as their minds' shadow rests upon it. 

The effect of uncontrolled receiving and analyzing of thoughts may result in a heart with unncessarily negative burden that will result in degradation of freedom. So to put on filter of thoughts is a wise exercise that will guard the heart and mind from demoting the personality. To develop self control the following actions can be implemented where the first one is the most important and basic one. 

  • So try to fill the vacant space between you and others with love. In any kind of relation if there is a spot that is deprived of love, these feelings and thoughts of hatred can overshadow from one person to the other. So it is mandatory to recognize these spots and fill them with virtues of love which include kindness, mercy and humbleness. 
  • The second step is to strengthen the volition to disregard and supress useless thoughts before they try to fill the mind. We should remember that God is to be always loved by the mind by filling it only with thoughts which we are willing to think about. Otherwise as a christian it is not safe to receive and analyze throughly every thought that comes to the mind. Sometimes the thinking alone may defile the soul not to mention putting it into action. 
  • One of the ways the the heart gets weakened and sad is by the way our mouth speaks. During chatting with others the optimally healthy way to handle speech is through letting all parties speak turn by turn. Naturally some people are able to keep such pattern of conversation in the right way and as a result they keep their internal equilibrium safe. Proverb 21:23 says "Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles”. And on James 3:2 "For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. So we should be able to be prudent to handle our conversations in wise way because a lot of power lies there which might revive or destroy us. 
  • Lastly whenever you prepare to go to worshipping God in the church or a prayer meeting try to keep yourself independent from conversing with others unless it is mandatory. Keeping the heart single through silencing the mouth will be a useful input to revere the God who you are about to call. Eccelesiastes 3 in the bible mensions that there is time for everything. And such times are the ones to keep silent to prepare the spirit for perfect worship. I tell this as an advice because I believe God expects it to be so and also it has rewarding output as God responds to our reverence. 

   Importance of Wisdom

Another important point to note is that the spirit in each of us wants regularly to reveal wisdoms of life which will help one to upgrade the personality to a higher level of glory and excellence. These wisdoms are the words of God converted in applicable form to our situation. Eventhough the bible can be understood when read, it is also like an encoded message that has unending source of deep knowledge which if revealed to the reader will be a source of transformation. Life has specific codes or protocols for every hours we spend and for very situation we face. But these wisdoms are hidden behind the normal meanings of the bible as the true will of God for our life. So if two people read the same section from it they will understand the same story or message as it contains the same content, but their spirit will soon decode it and reveal to their mind different enlightenment applicable to their respective life issues. 

Subjecting the mind to loving thoughts  requires a ready heart to act with- longsuffering, forgiving, patience, humility, kindness, gentleness. And this will please God Who will find it suitable to communicate wisdom to the person's mind through the spirit of the same person. A loving mind is transparent medium to receive light from God, and this light will give wisdoms to the conscious mind through which enduring greatness will sprout in the person's life. 

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