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How To Be Lucky

Make Up Your Luck


Luck is an orchestrated success. Our successes are wrought through multiple targets that have to be hit in order to produce the desired outputs. Sometimes perfection seems to be a mandatory requirement to compete and gain victory over those who hold back our inheritances. Whether evils are sourced from the spirit world or from the human mind, we must always be vigilant against them lest they rob us of what is ours. Matt 5:48 (Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect). Like stairs takes you to the height step by step, the success that one expects in the future are built with different steps. And each step requires right choices. Whether one is genius or not, true knowledge and enlightnement comes from the heaven to the mind through the spirit. If one is elightened then, the right path to success can be assured. 

The input one has to invest inorder to be enlightened to do the perfect thing is love. So on every step of the stair tests may come which requires us to chose to love. Love is not something to laugh about and enjoy. Real love has been demonstrated by the True Lover on the Cross. He has also left us a message that this cross is to be carried by us everyday of our life. So love is put into practice through the cross. That is why most of the times it is a challenge for the will to walk in love. So you win the fight between your success and failure beforehand by choosing to love through carrying the cross.  If you carry the burden( not the kind of burden which results due to sin, but that which is suffered for the sake of humbleness and gentleness, as is stated in Matt 11:29) then tomorrow awaits you with an orchestrated success which can be called a luck. So you earn luck by first making the ego lack its urges. The ego is always in hury for self serving. It does not care if people get hurt, or if their heart is broken. Infact sometimes it might pray for the downfall and failure of others. 

The cross is a place and a time to trample the ego so that the volition can exercise love freely. (1Pet 4;1 4 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin). It is always prefered to partake in the lesson the Holy Spirit puts in our way. If we forbear His path through patience and humbleness, as Jesus was when He was on the way to His Crucifixion, then we will bear the fruit of life and light that will eventually output success. But if we react with an arrogant and ego-justified responses then we might not be imitating Christ and life may put us in a path where a more harsh and ugly humiliation could force itself into our life. Not only this but the successes and achievements we expect might not come true due to lack of enlightenment. 

Luck is a choice


So life provides you with a chice to walk the easiest way to your perfect success or the harder way to your imperfect success plus possible failure. It is always better to cooperate and work with God humbly carrying the relatively light burden. You have to outshine revealing the glorious inner person by compressing the ego through the cross. Otherwise the reverse may occur if we fail the test that comes in our way, i.e, to objectively forbear whatever is put on us by God. The saddest part is the fact that failing to follow Jesus Christ in such a way results in two things. One is, fate might throw us into a miserable situation where we might spend a long time in fruitless suffering with a blinded mind that is good neither for God or for anyone. The other consequence is, the blessing and honour we expect wrapped inside our success might not come true and our heart might be left with sadness leaving us in lowly and feeble state. Heb 10:29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? So life is more like a luck because it all depends on God's goodness rather than our power to control what is coming. 

So what is in this cross that is related with love. Love is to give and to forgive those near you. The scripture did not ask us to go outside and find someone to be good for inorder to complete the burden of love. No, instead we are specifically ordered to love our brothers and neighbors. Matt 22:39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. Ya, the same people who could annoy us are the targets of love. It is the small things that really count and decide our fate. The gentelness and patience we show against disputes, the longsuffering we bear when mistreated, and the kindness we show in faith are all manifestations of love that have great reward. So this is the key of life,  a formula to grow in power and prosperity. Do not assume that without obeying God you would get anything. Instead fear for a judgment that may follow. It might be enough to know how serious God is about His commandments by reading Deu 28

Light is what makes us do superly amazing things. And Darkness is what leaves us in sufering and failure. Just look at the physical eye and notice how it has made it easy for the body to facilitate its tasks. And imagine what it would be for the body without light, the eye wouldn't see and life would experience darkness with a hard way to move forward. God's light is the same for the mind. It is what helps us to make the right choices and to do great things. Through heavenly light we see through the horizon with wide perspective in wisdom to pick what is ours. Not only this the powers in heaven back us up to make sure that we waste no time to achieve our goals. For this reason our tommorow awaits us with an already wrought success. Isaiah 26:12 Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. We just enter in to a battle whose winner is aleady decreed. That is what real prophetic promises are, they win the fight before it is begun. So please God today by loving jofully and carring the cross, and the next day light will be ordered for you to help you enter your current fate where you see prosperity and life clearly to pick for yourself. 

Opportunities To Be Lucky


Every hour and every second God is in the midst of your life trying to help you through your faith. Hence see things from all directions. Little things you ignore could be doors to let you enter in to a better and safe path. On every opportunity you get please God through your virtues. Gird your waist to be active in manifesting kindness and gentleness. Whenever one seems to be in need of your help do not be reluctant to be cooperative. Or if someone seems to be hot-headed or disrespectful against you take it easy and show a gentle attitude eventhough sometimes it might be too hard to forbear the pain. But you can convince the mind about the fruit of longsuffering and kindness so that the heart may stay put against any wrong reactions. On such points, as you act in volitional compassion and patience, Heaven declares success and life for your next step. And as you walk your next move it is already decided that you achieve your target, you will not go back to a repeated circle, instead you will step up the ladder of life putting on health and happiness, thanks to your faith. Eternal life, miracles, power, grace, love, faith, and cross are all connected to each other. You start with faith and with faith you carry the cross to love. And as you love you grow in grace. The grace develops to a power or the anointing. And with this power you perform miracles to yourself as well as to others. At the same time this power which you receive from the Holy Spirit and the touch of Jesus Christ makes you taste the sacred heavenly eternal life which eye has not seen nor ear heard. 

So once you enter into a business with God in such a covenant, then God will be serious to help you walk in the path of your destiney which is filled with adventurous excitement filling your heart with eagerness as you live enjoying today and expecting big for tomorrow. But this is not all, God also plans His Kingdom's business through you. You will be His proxy as you serve Him directly or indirectly. Whatever you engage with it will not be only about you but also about Him. Every now and then, beside the exciting life, you will be expected to walk carrying the cross so that the path between your spirit and your mind might not be blocked by the ego. The ego is shortsighted and it will risk tomorrow by chosing to please itself now. So the cross will make you to clear the way between the two worlds by sweeping the ego from the way step by step. You crucify the fleshly disposition now and you secure tomorrow with an assured luck. 

So chose to be lucky because it is possible to always be.  


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