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Heavenly Power

 Having a Mystical Energy

Know the will of God

When a desperate christian gets near to God through fervent prayer heavenly power might get born and start to grow in the spirit of the person. This power can manifest the power and glory of God in some limited amount. When this empowered person continues with more obedience and exercise that power will continue to glow and grow as the Holy Spirit guides the person to walk in the will of God. But the problem with such rare and glorious purpose-driven enlightened life is that the person may start to assume that he/she has synchronized with God so perfectly that whatever he/she does is the will of God. Not only this but equating the anointing revealed through the spirit with God Himself. And such untrue assumption builds an unreasonable high self-esteem in the person which eventually results in unwanted consequences.  

Mystical energy or commonly called the anointing is an available potential that a born-again christian can receive and develop as long as the person remains trustworthy to keep it. As the body and the mind of human beings have done great things throughout history likewise the spirit has its own distinct potential able to do wonderful things to the world. What the spirit of mytic christians have contributed to the world until now might not be  directly saved in chronicles but it is a sure fact that great wonders have been performed. The main subject of this article is to point out few major faults mysic people hold onto that would lead in the leaking of power and falling into unexpected mess. 

The first thing is that once a person receives the power it is a wrong thing to assume that focusing to nurture this power is equivalent to loving God with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength. This thought emanate from thinking that the power they received is God. But the truth is the power is something heavenly given from God. It may reflect the power, majesty and beauty of God somehow but it is not God. In John 14:23 Jesus promised us that He and His Father will come and dwell in us if we obey His teachings. So it is a mandatory and decisive thing to be filled with the knowledge of His teachings. And we should use the power of the anointing to our advantage by making it help us apply His teachings more seriously. So the main point is having the power does not guarentee one's righteousness and holiness. If one assumes this that person is pathetic because anytime a hard challenge comes it is not through power we pass but through choosing right paths using knowledge. Do not ever assume that the mystical power developed in you makes you free from the burden of loving your neighbors and brothers. God said in the book of Hosea that His people perished because of lack of knowledge, not power! The primary thing one need is a strong foundation inorder to keep living securely and safely. And the foundation of life is built using knowledge and obeying it with fear of God, then secondarily mystical energy can grow and glow continously to the end glorifying God and blessing the saint. The power will not keep you from commiting sin but knowledge can. 

The second  fault empowered mystical people can do is using the power on whomever and however they feel like. Such walk of life which is dictated by emotions is very dangerous because of two reasons. One, it may open the door for the devil to meddle and let the power be imparted temporarily on others and use it for his advantage. When the devil came to Jesus in the wilderness he enticed Him to use His power wrongly. So yes the power can be made to serve the devil if the person possessing it lacks knowledge. Secondly the mystic should be careful from emotion-driven mystical life because this power is like fire and playing with fire is different from using fire. If you use the fire the right way you can do amazing things starting from cooking your food. But if you play with it you may burn yourself and the place where you live. It is the same with mystical power. We must be traind when and how to use it otherwise it can destroy us and leave us undone. Mystical power is part of the abundant life promised by Jesus but it is not the whole item. A life filled with knowledge and fruit is the primary and major thing because that is what God focused on as He taught us through His servants. So assuming that power is a fruit that can replace knowledge is self-deception. 

     Balanced Mystical Life

Practical Love

So pursuing knowledge and fruit of character parallel to nurturing the mystical power is the only right path that will help serve and please God because it is not our power that matters most to God and to us, but it is the foundation we stood on which should be a loving character and knowledge of the will of God. Serving others with the mystical power- such us healing, breaking yoke, comforting...-these actions do not replace love. If one is faint and timid and still has the power of the anointing, then the person should examine and fix his/her ego towards others rather than depending on the power to lead a strong life. 

So what should a mystically empowered person do inorder to optimize success and tranquility? 

  • The first thing is expecting life and grace originally from obeying God rather than only from the anointing. People who please God more may walk in a higher level of soul energy than an anointed person. Knowing this will keep the heart to stay modest against unnecessary high self-esteem and pride which will only add burden to the soul. 
  • Always exercise benevolence to people around you. Mercy of the Lord is for those who show mercy. Exercising mystical power does not guarentee prosperity but doing kindness in action does indeed pay back one way or another. On one hand be deligent to grow the power of the anointing and on the other hand give time to exercise love in action. 
  • Do not go far to practice love rather start from those who share house with you. As the natural light helps the mind to easily perform its tasks similarly God has heavenly light for those who practice love in action, and this light can shine in our inner-life which then reveals wisdoms to the soul. 

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