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Avoiding Accidents

 How to Avoid Accidents from our ways



There are two types of accidents that can happen to any person. The first is on the physical body, and the other is on the soul. Accidents on the physical body may range from simple ones to major. And those that happen on the soul humiliate it and break the heart on different levels. Our actions now decide what happens next. There is an amazing scripture on the new testament which summarizes the law and the prophets. It says: Whatever you want others do to you, do also to them for this is the law and the prophets.", Matthew 7:12. The life of human being is uplifted to the height of greatness through glory and grace. Glory is your achievement which you hold through secular success, or spiritual anointing. Glory is important to survive and triumph in this world. Without a glory it is difficult to live in freedom. The second important element which is directly related to our subject is Grace. On the intro it is mentioned that mercy triumphs judgment. Mercifulness is the backbone of grace. To live in grace or gracefully an input of mercy is a mandatory requirement. There are definitely people around you who are close to you, starting from family and other folks on your neighborhood. The ego in your life may analyze its knowledge and force you to act in a justified selfish and disrespectful manner. And it is at this point that different kinds of accidents, not necessarily physical, might get decreed in your days. To walk in mercy and prioritized humble lovingkindness, based on truth, with people close to you is a must-to-do commandment ordered from the Creator and Lord of all. It is not a suggestion or an optional directive. Instead it is the only way to stay safely alive. John in his message said  in 1 John 3:14, we passed from death to life because we love our brothers. 

So right now investigate your relations with your parents, your partners, your siblings, and others, and find out how longsuffering and kind you are. If you are listening to your ego, you are thinking in a worldly manner. And if you are fearing God then you objectively exercise mercy prioritizing to serve others than your own interests, because you expect in hope God's visitation. Jesus knocks at your door every now and then to come and answer your wishes. One of the ways you answer the door is through exercising mercy. 

Keeping a truth-based harmonious relation through humble kindness and fellowship is the only safe haven. We can learn from the scriptures how pride and badness have brought owful judgments on the people of God. God's controversy with His people, in the period of the prophets, was not only about worship and temple related laws, but it was also about caring for the lowly. The people fell into those scary miseries because the leaders and the great ones were forsaking and mistreating the poor and afflicted ones. That is what Jesus thaught in Matthew 9:13 saying "... I love mercy not sacrifice". 

What Hinders Us from Exercising Mercy

One of the reasons that hold us back from being loving is our busyness, and the greedy kind of focus on our successes, whatever they are. We get all kinds efforts put on our personal tasks, and to give time to love and serve our people may sometimes seem an unreasonable thing to do. But this is not the most effective way to live. Devine light that keeps us safe and successful is far preferable and effective than our fleshly endeavors. Inner light that shines from the spirit to the soul is what makes a person achieve his/her goals. Walking in darkeness is what makes life hard and hopeless. On the other hand walking in light is like finding the shortcut to our prosperous destiny. A toil that does not exercise love does not assure success. Eccelesiastes 9:11-12 tells us that it is not your cleverness or your wisdom that takes you to the height of success. Rather God gives you a chance to chose His principles so that He may interfere and guide you to your success. Love is the key to walk in light, and the object of love is mainly those whom you live with. Do not think you have performed the duty of love by being kind to a stranger and disregardful to your parents, or your spouse. 

How to Exercise Mercy

Love is the grand top commandment which we all are commanded to obey. Love is the channel between God and us, which will let His kindness flow to us. Without it do not be confident that you can live safely. Anything can happen anytime. You are no different if you don't live by this royal law. The worst things that happened to people have happened to those who claimed to be people of God. This suggests that life is like an input/output system. What your reap is only what you sow not what you expect. It seems that it doesn't matter how you sow it, life just feeds you cooking the inputs you give it. So from now on invest on being objectively loving and merciful for life's sake. And make sure to apply these mainly on the folks who live with&around you. 

Acting hypocritical is not loving others, instead it is disrespecting God. Because every time we act hypocritical we shun God as our soul get possessed by human spirit. It is not only demons that possess the mind, human spirits also shadow human minds. So as a christian be cautiously engaging lest people stretch their hand and trample your wholeness which you have built in God. This is what truth means, to walk by light not by emotions. Emotions trick because they tend to serve people's interest instead of God's. Therefore let your actions be abundantly accompanied by mercy! But let your mouth be prudent because it might open the door for the evil which is always at stand-by to destroy life.

It has been discussed about living by grace through exercising mercy which requires faith- faith which expects God to be a third party in our relations as a Rewarder and a Judge. But there is more to saying do this and do that. When it comes to spiritual commandments they seem simple sometimes, but they get hard when it comes to applying. That is why we need the Holy Spitrit to empower us. Jesus has said (in John 15:5), " can do nothing without me". So how can we have God help us to walk in this wisdom of life, a walk of  lovingkindness toward the folks near us? 

  • Attend a church which has praying ministers. And be attentive and focused during worship. In such spirit filled church you will encounter God, and you will get help from Him as you will receive the capacity to walk in righteousness. 

  • Read the Bible regularly. The word of God has a transforming power. You may not know how it does its work, but be sure that as long as it is read it will work something in your life. Like a house built brick by brick, the word of God will build a great personality in your life step by step. But make sure to have a dedicated time for reading it regularly.

  • Regular prayer time. Do you want the glorified and more excellent version of yourself? It is possible to achieve it as long as you have a set time to attach your spirit to God. Be serious about it, and God will also be serious about working with&in you.


As much as you contemplate about the goodness of God, think also about the judgments of the Lord. Psalm 138:2 tells that God has exalted His word above all His Name. This suggests that the way we are ordered to live dictates our fate. Harmonious love that is rooted in truth is the way to keep our life safe from different kinds of evils. On the other hand offending, despising, disrespecting folks around you is something that may create disappointment on their heart which might result in unwanted things and accidents in life, as it is taught in Matt 18:6 that it is better to drown than to offend the lowly (little ones). If something is ordered by God then disobeying it results in deathly or hellish judgment. Therefore keeping unity and oneness with the bond of love accompanied with a prudent character is an obligation we must live by to live safely. But be aware that your smiley and humble interactions with those you work with or with strangers are not enough at all to get you safe and blessed. The primary targets of love are your famiy members and your neighbors. 
Supress Your Ego and Grow Through Love!

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