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A Safe and Secured Life

Ephesians 6:11-12

11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The Rectangular Relation

Our lives are directly or indirectly linked with four elements in all the visible and invisible universes.


  • Ourselves
  • God
  • Devil
  • People

SAFE, SECURED, AND PROSPEROUS Life is not random or luck. Whether done intentionally or unknowingly, such a life is achieved through a principle. They say that life and happiness are choices. Well the meaning of this saying is that there are specific choices you have to make in order to see an output of a happy life. Every decisions you make, whether reasonably or egotistically, affects your soul, God, the devil, and other people. Whenever you make mistakes in life and suffer the consequences do not accuse God of being unmerciful or other things. You have to understand that satan is always at standby to meddle in your life and hurt you. This will happen only when you break the laws of life. The author of Psalm 119 teaches about Laws, Words, Statutes, Precepts, Ordinances, and Commandments. These suggest that a perfect life is built by specific codes of life. And breaking these codes will result in some form of distorted life.  

1.  Relation with people and ourselves

Knowledge accompanied by prudence and patience are mandatory items we have to hold as taught in Hosea 4:6 . Do not assume things and rush into decisions. Our soul by its nature is mystically interconnected with other people here on earth. Keeping a harmonious relation built by Love is the right environment for a whole life. As the nature of substances get destroyed when their molecular bonds break, in the same way our healthy nature will be affected if we disturb the harmony with others through badness. Our personality energizes itself with grace and beauty as it keeps itself in a knowledge based loving -environment during challenging times. Otherwise we may lose that whole nature of us like substances transform to different unwanted forms when exposed to fire. 

2.  Our relation with God and the Devil

God bestows on His people Glory, Excellence, and Blessings when our relations with Him are built with fear of God and Keeping His commandments. Living in other way will diminish our confidence and strength making us people without true influence and rank. But this is not all. The devil is also there waiting for us to be vulnerable to be his prey. In the Gospels there are records that satan has entered into the body of people and crippled their health. In Mathew 9 there was a person who was muted by a demon, who was then delivered as Jesus rebuked it. And in Luke 13 there was a woman who was bent over by satan for 18 years who was then delivered by Jesus. What does this tell us? Beside fearing God to safeguard our soul and spirit, we should be aware that we could fall into the trap of satan if we walk without the right walk of life. And you know that there is no goodness in satan, he will try his best to destroy anyone. The popular section in the book of Ephesian, chapter 6 tells us that there is an organized kingdom of evil spirits whose intentions are nothing but to ruin our lives. Hence whatever we chose to do be always aware that your actions have feedback from God, from the devil, and from men. So be wise and prudent to keep yourself safe and secured, for as much as there is a loving God who wants to bless you there is also an evil spirit who wants to destroy you and God's plan in you. So never open a door for your enemies by your lack of knowledge to walk in the Right Path. Why do you think there are a lot of wars, starvations, poverty, homelessness, and sufferings in different parts of the world? And why do you think accidents sometimes happen to people? The answer is life should be lived using the right formulas. Moses, in Deuteronomy 30:11-15 tells the people that these formulas of life are not far beyond the sea nor are they up in the heavens beyond their reach. But the oracles of life are there with you in your heart and in your mouth. You just have to dig and see. He told them that 'life and prosperity are on one hand, and death and destructions are on the other hand put before them to chose'. And then he advises them to chose life. It is kind of that simple. All we have to do is to be aware of the scope of the subject and rise up to be filled with the true knowledge of the will of God. In different parts of scripture, especially in the book of the Gospel of john, it is taught that we are all about knowing and doing the will of God.

How to be filled by the will of God

Many think that to study, and memorize the bible is how we are able to be filled with the will of God. Though these exercises are good there are some questions? How are you going to study some parts of the bible such as the first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles, or the different directives Moses gave to Israelites in Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy about the laws of their social lives and their worship which are kind of un-inviting to study more than once. Are we supposed to jump some parts because they are not relevant? The bible is supposed to be read all without leaving a dot. If you are interested to read in Studying-Mode some specific parts of the Book you can do that as a secondary option. Just reading the whole bible with faith activates the Holy Spirit to work in your life through the devine word which you read. You will observe your mind continously elightened with the will of God to uplift your life to your greatest destiney.  

 The bible directly teaches us knowledge of spiritual life and the will of God. But that is not all. The scripture is like an encrypted message filled with infinite codes of life that are specific to our conditions and our times. So how to decrypt the oracle? We don't have to, because the Holy Spirit does that. You just have to read by faith each chapters, then God reveals for you specific knowledge applicable to your circumstances so that you may synchronize with will of God to reap Abundant Life here on earth. Received revelations from God about how to walk are called Wisdoms. Hence God opens our understandings and helps us to know things applicable in life. Once we know that we will feel like we found a great possession like a key that unlocks our dreams. Therefore it is all about reading the Book. And like a cooking and serving a dish, what you read will be processed and converted to a concrete knowledge and wisdom that can be applied to your life to achieve your goals. 


Our relation with ourselves should be guided with the understanding that we are supposed to carry the cross each day with the hope and expectation that Christ's life will dominate in us as a reward. Carrying the cross could extend in the form of longsuffering, patience, isolations depending on our maturity in faith. These we should do with the conviction that there is the power of resurrection that gets manifested to the saints here on earth as a response to our faith on God. And I don't mean about the resurrection at the end times, but about how God visits us with His miraculous wonders to promote us to a higher life accompanied by His Glory and Blessings. 

As to our relations with people mercy and truth are the very grounds that we should stand on. Mercifulness helps us fill our life with grace and peace. And also our relation with God keeps on with an opened heaven. Truth is something we should alway keep to escape any vulnerability from the world. Having an integrity which are rooted on the will of God will keep our lives strong and victorious. Once you are a christian you live a dual life- Love and fight. You are a soldier and a messenger as well. You live as an ambassador of Christ by putting your one foot on love, and you live as a fighting soldier, against every kind of enemy by putting your other foot on knowledge. 

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