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Faith to grow through spiritual life

Why We Should Walk In Faith

Heb 11 
1Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.

3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

There are a lot of teachings about faith which inform us that to believe and hope for God's merciful interference in our lives is the foundation of our new life. Faith requires actions as you may know it. Every now and then we come across two paths toward our envisioned goals. One path is earthly way which might not be wrong, and you toil much and reap as much, and the other is God's way which is righteousness  where you invest a little and you reap the supernatural. On God's kingdom we focus on two things at the same time- Pleasing God and pursuing our Goals. It is a right thing to have a dream and purpose in life and to work hard to achieve it. Infact if you are a pursuer of God do possess a great vision for your life because it can be achieved. Pleasing God is not directly related to your success but it is the key to download from heaven God's help and miracle to our visions at hand. That is why it is called faith because we prioritize God's will than our personal ambitions, and by so doing we make God a participator and worker in our life's projects whatever they are, be it career or relationship. That is what in Isaiah 26:12 is told: LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. So from here on be not afraid about tomorrow if you have chosen God. Because investing your time in God's will is by itself an assured success because God has testified about Himsef that He remains faithful to His promises. So do the will of God with joy and without grumbling because you will eventually reap success. 

Faith to change the world

One of God's work in our lives is the continuous revelations of codes of life (i.e. His will) to the conscious mind like software engineers build a computer or mobile application softwares through numerous codes. They carefully write each codes without making an error so that the final collection of these written codes might do what is required. Our lives are also called for specific purpose here on earth, and this purpose is wrought by the transformed version of our personality, which needs to be informed by God regularly how we should lead our lives. After we are converted to christianity there emerges a new person inside us which had been dead before being born again. This new person is like a new creature to the physical universe because its nature and abilities is unlike anything anyone saw or heard. People who have managed to nurture this new inner person with great deligence, by receiving the protocols of life from God like Moses did,  have been reported in the chronicles of history to be changers of the world. There is a theory that the great developments and civilizations in the world are attributed to the revivalists who had got closer to God to bring forth the great changes our world experienced. These revivaists might or might not be known. We have heard of those great and infuential servants of God who were the front figures through their popular ministries. But there could have been indeed numerous giants whom history did not record because they might have been 'hidden children of God' who served God with great and powerful anointing. This is still true, one could be so powerful that his works could be seen without himself being recognized as the source of the changes. The world could observe in such servants of God fruit, glory, and beauty of the Lord because of their transfigured personalities. 

Faith to know the will of God

Faith is expecting and trusting God's merciful kindness in our lives. We must be very aware that God works in peoples' life according to His principles and protocols. The scripture is given to us to lead and connect us to the goodness of God. I am sure you have seen, either through medias or directly, people passing through great miseries and sufferings. These occurences have been happening to the human race since old times. Even at the present we can witness starvations, killings, and many atrocities happening to people in different parts of the world. This brings us to the question- why doesn't God interfere since He is the Almighty? I don't think we can give a reasonable answer to this. But one thing we can deduce- We are no different from those who are in great suffering, hence we must stay under the umbrella of God's mercy through the WAY. Beside abiding in Jesus, this WAY is what I would like to call the code or the protocol because God has His own specific will to every parts of our life. And it is not optional to figure it out because only people who seem to keep these protocols, intentionally or not,  seem to be safe and prosperous. 

Faith to save generations

Depending on how your parents and your environment raised you, you can be a virtuous person who walk on the way of secured success. That is why righeous generation which built its foundation on the spiritual rock through revivals can be a source of blessings to hundreds of future generations. And the same for unrighteous generation until a breakthrough happens and alters their fate. All these ideas are to point out that obtaining and living with God's goodness is something we must diligently build by receiving God's oracles which are enlightenments on how to live. This is no new theory at all because we can see that Moses himself had received multitudes of protocols by which the people had to live by. God who made a covenant with these people, whom He chose out of all, had told them that things are black and white. Live by these codes and live a prosperous life, or shun these codes and live a cursed life! What happened then? We saw the victories, and we saw their falling down. Infact these people saw the worst due to their opposite ways from the protocols God commanded. Hence a true life is all about living according to the will of God and stepping up to the heights on which God's glory may shine through us. 

Faith to receive wisdom

Faith is one of the most important requirements to open a channel to heaven through which one can receive nurturing oracles from God. Faith means believing something and then directing our actions toward the subject of what is believed. So what should we believe in this context? God has put things and people around you so that He may accomplish His purpose in you. And the only way He accomplishes His purpose is if you can listen to Him and recognize His wills and live by them (1 John 2:17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever). The will of God is something we get by revealations through our spirit from God. And it is not a finite thing as if you get it and get over with it. But instead it is the flow of a continual and discrete wisdoms that we apply to all parts of our lives. Faith helps us to stand on a disposition with a purpose which targets on growing to the image of Christ through the oracles of God. Once we shape our perspective in such manner, we exercise patience, longsuffering, kindness, selfcontrol, mercy because we believe God transmits His life-transforming codes of life in such a virtuous soul. The spirit requires a suitable medium to connect the mind with God. For this reason we exercise our volition to be virtuous because we believe and expect God's regular visitations into our lives. To be virtuous towards difficult people is something we will to be only if we have God-centered grand plan. Otherwise the obvious response to annoying people is through temper. And people that arouse our anger are mostly those near us. On such times we exercise our faith to please God so that we may easily hear Him. And to hear God when He speaks to us through our spirit is all we need because things will never be the same once we start to hear Him. 

Faith to love

The second of of the two great commandments is about loving your neighbor. That is why a virtuous life is required to move on with God for a higher life which is built by the oracles of God. Hence we love by faith because we expect to sync with God, Who inturn speak to us to impart His wisdom to our mind.  Hearing God is not a thing left to ministers only. And it is not also neccessarily an inner-audible voice, though it is one of the common ways believers hear from God. But enlightnement, understanding, revelations are all signs of receiving the voice carrying light in to our mind. Once our mind is aware of the will of God then we step closer to our greatness and our success. Moses spent times of prayer and fasting on the mountain to receive those oracles from God. This signifies that hearing God for the specific codes of life is wrought through spending time with God in addition to pleasing Him thru objective virtues. This also requires faith because we seek Him if we believe in Him. Therefore exercise your faith to control your ego and to give time to prayer because God will speak to you to guide you to the promised life here on earth. 



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