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The Anointed Life

 The Anointed Christian Life

John 14:23


 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

Anointing is the power of God that resides in the spirit of a human and that can volitionally be exercised or used through outer-self of the person. Single drops of water accumulating in a bucket will eventually fill it and be used for some use. Similarly the power of God is something that grows in the spirit step by step through time. The first time you feel a tangible heavenly power in your life will be like finding the rarest treasure. And you will want to have more of it so that you may walk like a new creature, a super being. But that power, you got the first time is a drop only to give you hope that there could be more. It is neither enough for drinking nor for washing. What shall you do? You want to fill your bucket with more volume. Thence you go to your inner chamber and open your spirit perpendicular to the source of this magic water drop. You fill your spirit day by day, week after weak, and months go by with the diligent regular attachment of your spirit to the Holy spirit. Then in a year you find yourself to be that super being, the ambassador of Christ. You become influential. You have that invisible power like the electromagentic radiation controlling and influencing the physical world around you. You are no more a single person but a hybrid of the glowing numinous nature in your spirit and your outer old self. Your beauty, your glory, your style, your character all changes. They start to synchronize with will of the new nature inside you.

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Anointing is simply the output of your regular attachment with the spirit of God through Prayer, Worship, attending or participating in church. Having the power of God in your hands is incomparably the greatest thing, it is also a very big responsibility. So such a great thing from an another world, and from the real Alive God is obtained by spending hours of spiritual devotions daily without ceasing. You know how desperate you get when you are late for work. Once you get into business with God you will start to be very serious about your connections with Him which includes mainly keeping your altar of prayer and mostly serving the church diligently. Getting anointed is only part of the journey, the more difficult thing is to keep this momentum of glorious power. The anointing has two faces, the power and the glory. You confirm that you are in a synchronized way with the will of God by the presence of both the power and the glory. 

It is not uncommon to see people get anointed and reflect the glory and power of God. But it is not common to see these anointed people keep the journey of growing towards the image of Christ. What is the reason to fall behind? The amazing part is you may not know it when God departs from you like Samson didn't when the Lord left him in Judges 16:20. That very powerful guy lost his power overnight. There are two major things asked of us from God. We cannot depend on one leaving the other. Loving Him and loving others, Matthew 22:37-40. The fact that you love God so much that God anoints you as a reward does not guarantee your wholeness. You must keep both of these great commandments. Otherwise it will be like clapping with one hand. 

How To Protect The Anointing

It is a work of sweat and blood to receive the anointing. But it could be an overnight work to start leaking it. It may take a year or more to build a high story building, but it is a matter of days, if not hours, to destroy it. 

Knowledge is the key parameter to protect the anointing. Without it an anointed person could be vulnerable to great failure. The following are important scriptural protocols an anointed person or one who is starting to experience it must keep. 

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1- Never use your power to curse others. 

Let me enlighten you with a simple example. Imagine a two year old child holding a sharp knife. This child is beside you and let us say you trigger his anger. Will he hesitate to use the knife against you? No, instead he will try to stab you. The only purpose you bought the knife is to chop your food ingredients. Similarly the power you receive has the authority to mess peoples's life. You can curse them and it will probably happen. So here is the law: no matter how down and disappointed you feel by people never use your power to attack them in the name of spiritual warfare. You fight spiritual warfare by doing the will of God which requires to hear his voice. For example the Lord may require you to use your spiritual gifts only in the church where He shows up and do His wonders during corporate worship. But instead you just use these gifts any way outside the church. Your real motive could be to get famous or to help people. But either way, because it is not God's will the very power you exercise could destroy you and leave you unstable and powerless. Yea using power and getting powerless at the same time, because of misusing the anointing against His will. So in such situation do not blame others, instead what you should do is figure out that will of God and restore your authority and aliveness rather than sending arrows toward others. The consequence of hurting others through your spiritual power is madness and loss of glory. Not only that you also close the path through which you may move forward to your destiny.  

2- Never depend only on your spiritual power

Your spiritual gifts do not guarantee your greatness. People may perceive that you are an excellent person but to know you as the same kind you must possess more than the power. A benevolent character towards those close to you which is accompanied by simplicity, humbleness, and kindness are the simple virtues that will keep energizing your life. Do not fill yourself with unnecessary pride as if you are something rather share your time and what you possess with those around you. Learn to suppress the ego so that you may stay virtuous enough to keep your excellence wherever and with whomever you are. Love is a backup plan to energetic and alive personality. There are two kinds of exercising love. One is through your spirit according to the spiritual exercise you developed, as is taught in John 4:24, worshiping God in spirit and in truth. The other is through a prudent but benevolent character that should be applied objectively on your family, neighbours, and others. Look at the story on Luke 10:25-37. Out of all those people, even the Levite, the one who is a potential candidate for an enduring excellent life is the guy who applied mercy. So do not excuse yourself in the name of spirituality  from exercising benevolence. To have a graceful life you must hold love on both directions, God and people. The theory of 'living by grace' applies when your volition is active to exercise mercy to people around you. There is a concise eBook of 29 pages on how to develop benevolent life to restore health, success and tranquility. It explains the importance of applied love in one's life to have an excellent life. So the key point is your anointing is not enough to lead a healthy and excellent inner life. Exercise benevolence against your ego with the other hand of yours. 

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3- Never try to outsmart and undermine your spiritual mentor

The Lord is a God of orders. He gives great value to respectful harmony between the saints and their spiritual leaders. At some point in an anointed person a spiritual leader or mentor will come to his life. And this anointed person starts to accelerate growing in power and spiritual gifts because God sees a harmonious bond with the mentor and pours His Spirit to bless them. But one day this anointed guy gets so high in glorious power that his fame starts to spread. This same guy starts to think that he must be so favoured and respected by God more than others. One day he thinks that the mentor, his spiritual father, could have done better by being more devoted like him. His ego starts to justify the logical conclusions about the mentor's performance. Then, on behalf of God, he humiliates and undermines the mentor. What do you think is the fate of such newly famous gifted person which started to outsmart his spiritual father? A big time fall! He will most probably get miserable and cursed. In Daniel Chapter 4, One day the king of babylon who had been honored and blessed by God to a very high extent looks around him and started to flatter himself for his achievements. Then automatically a judgement was decreed upon him to live like animals in the jungle isolated from humans. Hence if you want to protect your anointing grow in humility as you grow in power. Always look at the God who blesses His servants through the channel which is the church where the Holy Spirit, the church leaders, the saints dwell in the divine order. It is not your call to examine your mentor's flaws. But it is your call to honor, revere, and bless them. Always acknowledge that it is your unconditional love to others that let God work through you. But if you ever try to play a judge role against your leaders woe unto you. A lot of great anointed men, after they get famous, leave their church driven by their ego for serving more audience without confirming God's will and the blessing of the leaders. What happens? They lose their prestige and their glory because they broke this major law of order. So keep the heavenly channel open by being a very humble servant under your spiritual leaders. 


There are two major phases in a successful ministry of an anointed person. The first is the stage of receiving and growing the anointing. This is achieved through diligent and consistent spent time  before God. The second stage is time of fame. At this time the person is vulnerable to lose his glory and momentum through different causes. The main one of these causes is pride. God puts leaders before you as a wall to watch your days ahead so that you may be protected from falling and losing the race. These leaders are also the gates of advancement because that is how God works. In Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus's advancement of His ministry was started by John the baptist as a baptizer, a higher authority and rank than the baptized. That is why John refused it at first. Authority and power are different things. You may be more powerful but you are always in the lower rank of authority than your spiritual leaders. Honoring and humbling yourself before them is the key that unlocks your ever growing success. Even when you, somehow, change your place of service from your church, you must keep this loving reverential harmonious bond with your fore leaders. Their mere goodwill opens heaven's gate for you. 

Keep loving and keep carrying the cross!

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