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Showing posts from May, 2024

Christian Faith

 What Is Faith The first and basic level of faith is to believe and connect with God through Jesus Christ. But once we join the kingdom of God there remains the responsibility of bearing the fruit of life through the pursuit of God and through building great character. Both are different but related as they depend on each other. Persuing God is a regular task which we perform through regular worship, prayer and bible reading. But the other element of a successful life, a great character, is built through faith. God puts people around us for reasons. One of these reasons are to help us exercise our faith. Faith is a persuaded disposition that God is Lord and authority belongs to Him. For this reason faith will help us adjust our responses in a gentle and prudent ways during challenging times. Proverb 16:32 ( Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city. ) teaches that patience and self control during challenging times are turning points to ...

Be thankful

How Can We Work With God God works according to His laws. In Psalm 138:2 it says that God has exalted His word above all His names. So whatever you are passing through right now could have some input from the past that has caused it to be so because it is the law of God in His Word that judges and reward the works of men. So focusing on right now and the future, we sould pursue our remaining journey by having the appropriate knowledge. Do not rely on your perception about God, and neither should you be confident about God being always on your side. Life is not only about your succeeding or failing, but it is more about God fulifiling His purpose.  Your knowledge about how life works and about your relationship with God should not be built on logical conclusions and assumptions, no matter how right they seem. Because as you know, many religions think they correctly know God in their own way. So similarly yours also might be right only on the elementary basic level. The higher levels...
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