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The Virtue of Patience

 The Virtue Of Patience


One of our ever day's desires is success or to see our expectations come true. The verse in the above scripture teaches that it all depends on the Lord. Infact Issiah 45:7 points out that the Lord creates darkness and evil as He does light and goodness. So our endeavors in life should be based on God's will because as much as we hope for success we could end up with bankruptcies. Two of the most common teachings in the New testament are faith and love. We escape the evils in this world only through the mercy of the Lord. And to stay under the umbrella of His mercy one has to keep these two codes of life: Love and Faith. We can see in the world what is happening to the human race because of violating these laws. All the evils and the sufferings tell us that to live in peace and prosperity it is mandatory to walk by the Rules of God. In this article I will show you one important way to succeed in life by applying one of the virtues of love and faith.


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All the things we do in the world seem to be only inter-personally connected. Our jobs, our social life, our family relations and our relationships are all tied with other people. But that is not the whole truth! The creator of the human life is always there as the third element, as a judge and a decider of things since He is the Eternal Lord. So we have to widen our perspectives and see things from a bigger point of view. 

Every success and achievement that we acquire in life has two major inputs. One is our hardwork, and the other is the favour of God. The hardworking part is obvious. But the favour of God is something that is attained through virtues other than diligence. Eccelesiastes 9:11-12 tells us that time and chance happens to all to own success through the favour of God. You enjoy your diligence as long as the natural enthusiasm is fired up inside you. There are a lot of successful people in the world in different sectors. Most of these people do not maintain their success and fame for a long time. They just live by their past achievements. But a few keep the beauty and greatness of their works alive for a longer time in their lives. You can try to work hard any time but to bring forward that gift of yours whenever you like can be out of your control because it does not reside in the brain and the mind like your skills. Rather it is something that flows from your inner being to the consciousness. The gift is there naturally given to you. But to open the springs wide open and let the world drink from it whenever you like is something that needs wisdoms. Like a fire that keeps burning as long as it is fed with a fuel or wood, in the same way your gifts can be made to glow and burn in flame the rest of your lives if you keep having the right inputs in your daily interactions with God and with people. 

There are specific codes of life that we are supposed to know and keep which inturn reward us with favour from God to let our gifts upspring more. The idea behind Patience is that it is the road through which we understand these codes of life with minimum cost. If we are enlightened with the will of God then all is well. Here is the focal point of our discussion: every time we start our journey to capture our success, there come before us different paths. Only one path is perfect the rest have some flaws. So time and chance will stand before us before making the decision to one of the paths. These time and chance have nothing to do with our business but they are opportunities to please God by sacrificing our urges that make us busy. At such point if we do the will of God by being patient, then the light that will guide us to chose the right path will shine in our mind assuring the optimum success. Never be confident, without pleasing God, that what you are thinking or deciding is right. So God gives us a chance to receive His light through our virtues which are completed by our faith. This faith is described as:- to expect God's goodness with certainity by chosing to be patient to please Him whenever His will and our ambitions clash with each other on the hand of the volition. So here is what our faith does through patience.  
  • Serve our people by sacrificing our time, wants and needs.

  • Control our ego with empathy and wait for God to respond to our disputes.

  • Prudence against rushing during important changes in life lest our emotional actions cause troubles as we make wrong decisions. 

  • Always be a person that walks in scedules rather than in random guided by emotion. This will help us optimize our tranqulities and efficiency. 
These are all wisdoms that will please God Who is the only one Who can decide our success according to Romans 9:16

Why Should We Be Patient

  1. As mentioned earlier, our lives are interconnected invisibly with God. And every victories, our successes, and our prosperities are all dependent on His lovingkindness. For this reason if you ever find yourself on a crossroad where your patience seems to be required then acknowledge God' s Lordship by prioritizing His will. In the story of 1Sam David had multiple opportunities to kill Saul and save his own life once and for all. But he was patient to climb to his needs and he showed mercy instead by trusting God. 
  2. Sometimes ideas come into our mind that advise us to try something new. And if we are deep in the spiritual exercises where we walk after the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then such new ideas may seem revelations from God, and we may be lured by our emotions to try them. But God is specific about His instructions, and any diversion from His will always costs something. Sometimes the truth gets revealed to us after a while and we repent and come back to our track. But sometimes we walk farther without knowing, and to restore our wholeness would cost time and more things. That is why no matter how much we are enticed to do new things it might also take us down to a loss. Remember the story of Saul where he was ordered to destroy everything that belongs to the amalekites, in 1Sam:15. But He saved some cattles (probably with positive intentions) and that costed him his kingship. Hence we must be patient to entertain our emotions. 
  3. The other issue related to patience is time. As a Christian it is not only you who has a plan to accomplish, but God who dwells in you has also His own Kingdom related target to hit through you. And one of the ways to synchronize to His will is by being sensitive to timing. It starts from the small things we do. There are a lot of verses in the Bible about waiting and the reward afterward. It seems a difficult thing to bear but Heb 10:36-38 teaches us that it is just a little while, afterward The Lord will serve you Himself. By a little while it may refer to being patient for some minutes, or hours or days so do not be discouraged. When Jesus was called to heal Lazarus, He responded after four days. It is better to wait and reap tomorrow with the help of God than to try and lose today. 


Patience is a basic Virtue that makes one suitable for God to work through. Patience helps one to exercise Love. It also helps to manifest our faith to God. Whenever we get time and chance to please God by sacrificing our time for the sake of Love and Faith then we are on a point to chose success. That is the secrete of life. Without pleasing God to run here and there trying many things may result nothing or little. But with God you input a little effort and reap a lot. Such a life is the foundation of transformation and prosperity as the grace of God will easily get poured on us. 

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