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Showing posts from October, 2023

The Anointed Life

  The Anointed Christian Life John 14:23 NIV   Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anointing is the power of God that resides in the spirit of a human and that can volitionally be exercised or used through outer-self of the person. Single drops of water accumulating in a bucket will eventually fill it and be used for some use. Similarly the power of God is something that grows in the spirit step by step through time. The first time you feel a tangible heavenly power in your life will be like finding the rarest treasure. And you will want to have more of it so that you may walk like a new creature, a super being. But that power, you got the first time is a drop only to give you hope that there could be more. It is neither enough for drinking nor for washing. What shall you do? You want to fill your bucket with more volume. Thence you go to your inner chamber and open your spirit perpen

A Whole Life

  A Whole Christian Life       King Solomon final words to the people when he taught in the book of Eccelestiastes were " Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man ". Once you are a christian you have entered a covenant with God to live by His will. Your life after physical death is secured for eternity in heaven. So here on earth you have an obligation to live according to His commandments. For every situations in your life, for every hours in your life there is a specific will of God. Not to obey His commandements as a christian is something unaffordable because the world and the spirits in hell will be against such walk of life that is against His will, not only that the judgment of the Lord is also very scary thing to experience. I admire saints that have managed to raise their children with virtuous character and fear of God.  The commandments of the Lord for a christian can be directly revealed through the word of God. And to live with a sec
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